Wednesday 16 March 2011

After 23 there is only terra innumerata (or is is Web. 3.00?)

  • which thing/s you found most useful: The overall scheme was a very helpful "tour d'horizon" of what is out there, against which I could check what I had come across already and what was still unknown.
  • which thing/s you most enjoyed doing: Collecting wigits for i-Google and looking at Facebook with some real purpose in mind.
  • which thing/s you have persisted with: I now have managed to re-activate my Twitter account and Flickr and Slideshare are really useful additions to my armoury.
  • whether you think web 2.0 in general has a role in the future of libraries: Web.2.00 is already multifarious enough  to allow several different types of pathway, some more about style than substance. I think libraries should not feel sucked into any self-fulfilling scenario but try out what they think could be helpful to their evolving role and not hesitate to drop anything that isn't really productive. Libraries need to recall what their mission should be and reinvent accordingly but not simply to "be there"  for the sake of it, but to create their own distinctive pattern across a non-linear weave where they is no longer any single way of "staying ahead".

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